Monday, August 10, 2009

Word nerd

Keeping track out what I'm reading lately (starting roughly at the start of '09). Feel free to make suggestions.CurrentThe Cheese Monkeys - A Novel in Two Semesters - Chip KiddCompletedVox - Nicholson BakerMother Superior - Saleema NawazSputnik Sweetheart - Haruki MurakamiTwilight - Stephenie MeyerNew Moon - Stephenie MeyerThe Road - Cormac McCarthy (This was great.)Eclipse - Stephenie

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Staycation - Day 1

Holiday!Given my impressive amount of banked overtime and unused holidays, my boss forced me to take some time off. Really. I have this entire week off to do absolutely nothing. No plans, no travel, just sweet nothing. A staycation*.Yesterdays highlights include: a heroic amount of walking (honestly, about 8 kms), a couple meetings, a Grey's Anatomy marathon, delicious dinner making and sleeping

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Word nerd

Keeping track out what I'm reading lately (starting roughly at the start of '09). Feel free to make suggestions. CurrentNo One Belongs Here More Than You - Miranda JulyA Wild Sheep Chase - Haruki MurakamiCompletedVox - Nicholson BakerMother Superior - Saleema NawazSputnik Sweetheart - Haruki MurakamiTwilight - Stephenie MeyerNew Moon - Stephenie MeyerThe Road - Cormac McCarthy (This was great.)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Work it out.

I feel like my creative muscles are about to atrophy. I've been forcing myself to do SOMETHING creative every day in attempts to remedy that, and so far I've stuck to it for about a week now. HUGE success. Really. Once the results turn into something a little more interesting, I'll post 'em here.Don't give up on me yet!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

You and your big ideas.

Captured on a recent spur of the moment trip to Kelowna, BC.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Might Be Wrong

Been feeling a lot of Radiohead love lately. This is one of my favorite songs and videos or theirs.

One more time

Okay, I'm feeling bloggy again. Maybe the ol' blog needs a little revamp and then some posting.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Oh hi Blogger!

Remember me? ... Didn't think so.So I might not post that frequently here, but now you can follow me on Twitter which is getting a little more of my attention. Check the widget to the right. Microblogging at its finest, people.